Chelsea Flower my collaboration with Gardena.
I believe that being sustainable is not an option that a company chooses to include. It should be an essential part of any business; embraced and implemented thoughtfully.
The world has changed! Consumers are looking for brands with strong core values that place people and the planet ahead of profit. There is a new and kinder economy emerging and brands have a responsibility not only to make their products more planet- friendly but also to provide information and inspiration for consumers on how to become more sustainable.
This is why I am delighted to have been asked to design a garden for Gardena, my dedication to inspiring other to reuse the past to style the future mirrors their ReThink pledge, which is built on the foundation of the circular R’s :Reduce, Repair , Recycle.
Together we want to inspire all passionate gardeners to learn about sustainable gardening practices and how gardeners can take control of their gardens to help the climate crisis. Its time our gardening practices helped the planet come from Climate crisis to Climate conscious.
The New Ecoline Range and the story behind my collaboration with Gardena.
Four years ago at the Ideal Home Show, I meet Gardena, they were the sponsors of my garden based on sustainability and recycling, on the last day as I finished my build it was time to place the Gardena products around the garden( product placement) It was then that I notice the irony of my sustainability garden with everything was made from recycled materials to be sponsored by a company that used virgin plastics to make their tools. Needless to say, I made my feelings heard!!!!
This was not lost on the brand and as all good brands should, through innovation, hard work and research they have adapted to become more planet conscious. So four years later I am delighted that GARDENA EcoLine is the first range of high-quality gardening tools in the market that is made with significant shares of recycled materials consisting mainly of post-consumer recycled material. The plastic components of each product consist of at least 65 % recycled material. The GARDENA EcoLine has been awarded the German Sustainability Award Design 2022 in the "Vision" category.
I am delighted to be part of this change and will continue to support and work with Gardena as they transition even further with their roadmap to sustainability.
The ReTh!nk Pledge
This helps Gardena quantify and qualify how sustainable each product really is and, in turn, how sustainable your gardening can be. Gardena aims to become the sustainable choice in gardening tools and are already working on a number of new circular innovations to help you make better, more conscious and sustainable decisions… we are now a team aiming to educate and inspire gardeners.
The themes of my Garden Design- At this part I cant say too much…..
Nature reclaiming the planet, rewilding what we have destroyed.
A conceptual garden to take you on a journey from climate crisis to climate conscious.
Reconnecting people with nature.
Growing wildlife friendly plants encouraging biodiversity.
Designing wildlife-friendly spaces within our gardens.
Showcasing the principles that Gardena value through the Rethink pledge.
Come and see my garden at The Chelsea Flower Show
24-28th May 2022