More Dates Added for Warriors on Waste Holiday bootcamps

Warriors on Waste is back………..


Its going to take more than a global pandemic to stop us. At last, although still observing all Government guidelines the Warriors on Waste is back and the first week has been amazing fun. Thank you to all of you who came, places sold out super fast so I have popped on a few more dates for you.

So many valuable lessons have come from life in lockdown and much attention has been focused on the ‘Waste not Want not’ mentality that was forced upon us. Sustainable living and a return thrifty wartime values, are the very basics of the Warriors of Waste movement and over this lockdown period there has certainly been a revived interest in them. However there is still much work to be done, we face a future of increased use of disposable products to combat the threat of the virus and with children not attending school has the focus on education of plastic pollution and taking better care of the planet been compromised.

Fear not - for all those children who have spent too much time on devices over the last few months, they now have the opportunity to pop on a camo boiler suit, make new friends and come and learn how to upcycle. Warriors on Waste will teach children how to be more sustainable with the earth’s resources, become change makers and have fun engaging with other children in a social situation whilst learning new skills.

So this summer I aim to make up for lost time, I have missed teaching the children and my workshop being full of the mess and chaos that goes with that. Although I can only take limited numbers and we have to work outside as much as possible I plan to provide as much fun and inspiration as possible for your little ones.

Not only will there be a program of upcycling trash to treasure, chalk paint techniques and tie-dye but I am including den building in the woods, foraging and growing your own veg and gardening. So much of our modern life means that children don’t get to experience nature in the way that they should to fall in love with it. You can only really want to save the world when you appreciate it fully.

The dates for the first few Bootcamps are below- just click on them to go to the event booking page;

Tuesday 22nd July - Warriors on Waste Trash to Treasure Day

Wednesday 23rd July Build a Base in the woods and Foraging Day.

Wed 29th July- Tie Dye Sweatshirts and Fashion upcycle afternoon.

Thursday 6th August - Transform a piece of furniture for your bedroom using chalk paint.

Tuesday 18th August - Childrens Learn how to make make a sealed terrarium Workshop.

Wednesday 19th August- Warriors on Waste Trash to treasure day.


Some of you have been in touch as you have 6 children and would like to pop on a date just for your group, this is not a problem just get in touch and we can tailor a day to your specific needs, likewise with birthday parties.

Rest assured all COVID controls will be fully in place ( full details on the website) but I aim to provide a happy and entertaining bootcamp for the children. The world has been a scary and uncertain place for lots of children in the past few months, now is the time to bring back some joy to their childhoods and reassure then about this wonderful planet we call home.

Looking forward to creating some mess, transforming things that would normally end up in landfill and dancing in the workshop to the latest popular tunes - please tell me that children have all grown tired of ‘Baby Shark” and ‘Its raining Tacos’ Im not sure I can take another summer of those on loop!!!

I have missed you, but Warriors is back and we are on a mission!


Don’t forget this month is ‘Plastic Free July’ the perfect time to swap out some of that nasty single-use plastic in homes and try to be more sustainable.

I have a shop on Amazon which has a whole host of wonderful carefully curated things that can help you do just that.


A few things you can swap into your everyday life with ease that will have a massive impact on the plastic pollution situation, brands that literally won’t cost the earth. I have made life easy for you and have added as many of them as possible to my Amazon Warriors on Waste Shop.

Start with a few simple swaps, I suggest:

Cheeky Panda Eco Toilet roll- 100% bamboo; certified at FSC 100%, sustainable, highly renewable, Biodegradable. Toilet roll products created from bamboo release approximately 30% fewer greenhouse gases than those made from virgin wood. Bamboo toilet roll, when responsibly sourced, is certainly more sustainable than virgin wood pulp.

Reusable Cotton Pads - stop buying cotton wool balls and pads and switch to these reusable ones.

100% ECO-FRIENDLY – Our reusable cotton pads are a great way of saving the environment. Being made from organic bamboo instead of going in the bin, you can put them in the wash and get ready to use them again and again - a win for your pocket, and the environment!

Reusable facemasks- I have added several to the shop, some in wonderful liberty print and these ones that are specifically made for children those horrible throwaway ones will be floating in our oceans for years sadly.

Its picnic season so don’t you dare reach for the clingfilm- a bamboo lunch box is a great sustainable option.

They are just a few but please please check out the shop for some inspiration, if we all make some small changes, big changes will come

Well folks looking forward to seeing your little ones and hearing about your sustainable swaps.

Have a great week.

Lynne x